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Railroad and circus heralds

Circus herald on {Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus 84803 Circus container car (Red Unit)).

RBBX 84803, Heralds, RBBX, Circus support cars, RBBX Red Unit, Circus, other, photographed on 26 November 1999 at Galewood yard by Harold A. Driscoll using a Sony Mavica MVC-FD88 digital camera (with tripod) [railfan/1999/11/99b26256.jpg] NEW 2 December 1999

This image size is ( 1200 x 800; 210 KB ). A smaller image ( 600 x 400; 62 KB ) is also available.

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Chicago Rail Photographs collection updated 3 October 2024 at 20:36. Photographs and text copyright © 1998-2000 Harold A. Driscoll, All Rights Reserved. Email address is provided exclusively for personal contact, but emphatically not for use for SPAM net.abuse.