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Covered hopper cars

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Covered hopper cars are used to carry everything from grain to plastics.


Goverment of Canada Wheat Board 605545   Covered hopper car

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Goverment of Canada Wheat Board 608487   Covered hopper car

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Cole Rail Inc. (Golden West Service) 512233   Three-bay covered hopper car

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CSX Transportation 225021   Rib-sided two-bay covered coal hopper car

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CSX Transportation 227556   Two-bay covered coal hopper car

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CSX Transportation 242314   Two-bay covered coal hopper car

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Dow Chemical Canada 7280   Four-bay covered hopper car

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Dow Chemical Canada 7383   Four-bay covered hopper car

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Dow Chemical Canada 7536   Four-bay covered hopper car

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Dow Chemical Canada 7511   Four-bay covered hopper car

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A brief illustrated discussion of covered hopper cars can be found at the Union Pacific Web site in their Description of Rolling Stock section.

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Chicago Rail Photographs collection updated 3 October 2024 at 20:36. Photographs and text copyright © 1998-2000 Harold A. Driscoll, All Rights Reserved. Email address is provided exclusively for personal contact, but emphatically not for use for SPAM net.abuse.