Grade Crossing Incidents -- Illinois

SOU Lines -- 1998 and 1999

Ordered by county and date
Date TimeFatalCity NameStreet / HighwayHighway UserWarning DevicesCounty
InjuryEquipment OwnerRail LineTypeWeatherCrosssing
16-05-99 0930PM0EAST ST. LOUIS15TH STAutomobileGatesST CLAIR
0NS, SwitchingSOU VC, MP 2.28Train-VehicleClear724538V
11-08-99 0535PM0BROOKLYN2ND STAutomobileFlashing LightsST CLAIR
0NS, SwitchingSOU VC, MP 56.04Vehicle-TrainClear724534T
24-11-99 0210PM0ALORTONMOUSETTE LANEPedestrianCantileversST CLAIR
1NS, FreightSOU A, MP 7.26PedestrianCloudy724569U

Source: Illinois Commerce Commission, Crossing Inventory & Statistical Information System v1.0 , Crossing-Accident Report for NOT Closed for Public (At Grade) or Pedestrian (At Grade) 01/01/1998 -- 12/31/1999 in Crossing County/Accident Date Order , 1999 CRASH STATISTICS ARE PRELIMINARY