Home | Kasgro Rail 304 MOW flat carMOW flat cars |
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A loaded flat car of ties for track work along the Metra Milwaukee District North line. KGRX 304, KGRX, MOW cars, Flat cars, Freight cars, photographed on 27 July 1998 at Touhy Avenue crossing by Harold A. Driscoll using a Sony Mavica MVC-FD7 digital camera [railfan/1998/07/98727a08.jpg] NEW 25 January 2000 |
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Equipment characteristics of KGRX 304: AAR car type M250 (M-O-W, Scale, Passenger, Caboose, and End-of-train information systems), plate type B, tare weight 67,600 pounds, total gross weight allowed 220,000 pounds, load limit 152,400 pounds, external dimensions (length 92' 5", width 10' 4", height 7' 8"). [courtesy of BNSF Equiptment Characteristics, October 1999]
Chicago Rail Photographs collection updated 3 October 2024 at 20:36. Photographs and text copyright © 1998-2000 Harold A. Driscoll, All Rights Reserved. Email address is provided exclusively for personal contact, but emphatically not for use for SPAM net.abuse.