Home | Southern Pacific 516759Autorack car |
This is one of about forty autorack cars that were damaged when a CSXT crew took an excess-height train under a normal-height bridge. The Autorack oops article discusses the incident.
Harold Kept many of his photos on sites which no longer exist. |
This string of autorack cars is just some of the many cars in the train showing considerable damage to both rail cars and their contents. Looking east in the direction from which the train came. [near to far] SP 516759, TTGX 975148, TTGX 941262, SOU 160034, TTGX 973559 and other autorack cars. SP 516759, TTGX 975148, TTGX 941262, SOU 160034, TTGX 973559, Autorack oops, SP, Autorack cars, Freight cars, TTGX, Built by Thrall, SOU, index, photographed on 25 October 1999 at CSX Altenheim Sub by Harold A. Driscoll using a Sony Mavica MVC-FD88 digital camera (with tripod) [railfan/1999/10/99a25599.jpg] NEW 26 October 1999 |
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Equipment characteristics of SP 516759: AAR car type V941 (vehicular flat car), plate type G, tare weight 101,700 pounds, total gross weight allowed 185,000 pounds, load limit 83,300 pounds, external dimensions (length 93' 10", width 10' 8", height 19' 0"), internal dimensions (length 89' 4", width 9' 1", pool number 9,990,017. [courtesy of BNSF Equiptment Characteristics, October 1999]
Railcar fleet details for SP 516759: Vehicular Flat Car, Mechanical Designation: FA; Outside Length: 93 ft 10 in; AAR Car Type Code: V941; Outside Extreme Width: 10 ft 8 in; Outside Extreme Height: 19 ft 0 in; Height of Extreme Width: 5 ft 8 in; Plate Clearance: G; Star Stencil: S; Trans. Code: N; Draft Gear: 10; Tare Weight: 101,700 lbs. [courtesy of CSXT Railcar Fleet Details, November 1999]
Chicago Rail Photographs collection updated 7 August 2024 at 15:01. Photographs and text copyright © 1998-2000 Harold A. Driscoll, All Rights Reserved. Email address is provided exclusively for personal contact, but emphatically not for use for SPAM net.abuse.