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Schiller Park yard

North end Lawrence Avenue

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Harold Kept many of his photos on sites which no longer exist.

"Coming Soon, Schiller Park Metra Station" sign stands alone, and lonely, less weathered perhaps, than it does today. The sign is along Ruby Street, a few blocks south of Lawrence Avenue.

Schiller Park yard (north end), Rail Yards, photographed on 18 September 1998 at Schiller Park yard by Harold A. Driscoll using a Sony Mavica MVC-FD7 digital camera [railfan/1998/09/98918e01.jpg] NEW 7 December 1999

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The Schiller Park yard runs essentially north and south and is west of River Road and east of 25th Avenue. The bulk of the yard is north of Irving Park Road and south of Lincoln Avenue. This former SOO Line yard is now used by the Wisconsin Central. It handles a considerable number of containers, as well as a variety of mixed freight. A few Metra commuter trains pass the yard (on the North Central line) during weekday mornings and afternoons, as well as both slow and fast freights throughout the day.

On the northwest corner of Irving Park Road and the railroad viaduct (underpass, subway) is a small park that provides fairly good views of the yard and passing trains. Do use caution to stay clear of the tracks, as both fast and slow trains operate, and the limit of the park (and the yard) is not clearly indicated. Parking is available on side streets just off of Irving Park Road west of the tracks.

Chicago Rail Photographs collection updated 7 August 2024 at 15:01. Photographs and text copyright © 1998-2000 Harold A. Driscoll, All Rights Reserved. Email address is provided exclusively for personal contact, but emphatically not for use for SPAM net.abuse.