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Date Photographed

1 September 1999

Metra and C&NW locomotives at the Chicago Passenger Terminal.

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Harold Kept many of his photos on sites which no longer exist.

Metra 8460 Bilevel commuter cab-coach car (stainless steel) leads scoot into the Chicago Passenger Terminal.

METX 8460, METX, METX cab cars, Passenger cars, photographed on 1 September 1999 at Chicago Passenger Terminal by Harold A. Driscoll using a Sony Mavica MVC-FD88 digital camera [railfan/1999/09/99901129.jpg] NEW 1 November 1999

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Metra 8460: Bilevel car (stainless steel}, Numbers: 8414-8478, Type: Coach/Cab, Builder: Amerail, Built: 1995-98, Notes: wheelchair lifts. Cars 7400-7497 and 8400-8478 were built at the old Pullman plant on Chicago's south side, enabling local employment for their construction. Morrison-Knudsen originally managed the project, but financial problems resulted in Amerail taking over the project. Cars first entered service on the Rock Island District. These cars have wheelchair lifts, and all Metra diesel trains now have at least one such car insuring accessibility to those with disabilities. It was originally decided to make one accessible car on a train the cab control car, in order to insure that the accessible car is at a predictable place on the train. This is now the practice on the Union Pacific lines, Heritage Corridor, and North Central Service. But on the other Metra lines, the accessible car is placed at a different predictable location on the train. [Courtesy of Metra Railfan Page]

Chicago Rail Photographs collection updated 7 August 2024 at 15:01. Photographs and text copyright © 1998-2000 Harold A. Driscoll, All Rights Reserved. Email address is provided exclusively for personal contact, but emphatically not for use for SPAM net.abuse.